Install Kubernetes in CentOS

How to build Kubernetes 1.15.4 on CentOS 7.6? Sharing the content - which is part of the my...

Partitions held by a table

How to find the total number of database partitions and range (data) partitions held...

Table in Quiesce Mode

For example: I get an error creating a table or accessing a table space. create table...

Database Up Time

Usually we run uptime command in Unix to find the uptime of the server. But, what...

Database Size and Table Sizes

The size of the database can be determined by calling CALL GET_DBSIZE_INFO(?, ?, ?,...

Count Rows When Loading

Using HPU to unload data from source and transferring that data over sockets and using...

IBM Provided Utility Scripts for Db2

The Db2 Warehouse client container provides a toolkit that has very nice utility...

Utility Scripts for pureScale

Instead of typing too much, it is always better to have some utility scripts that makes life easier. Before doing any debugging, I always like to test the time on all servers to make sure that it is same. In past, I have spent hours to find the root cause of a problem and later to discover that the server time was off on all machines. So, using runall scripts comes very handy. Sameway, when I am building a golden image for either DB2 BLU DPF or pureScale, I need to copy same script from one server to all others, runscp scripts comes very handy.

Big Data Hype and Reality

C Mohan talk has been given as a keynote during the BIRTE 2016 conference held in conjunction with VLDB 2016 and in the ACM SIGMOD China Workshop held in conjunction with the 33rd Chinese National Database Conference (NDBC 2016).

Db2 pureScale netname does not exist

ERROR: DBI20122E The instance was not created or updated because the following netname...

New Era in Distributed Computing with Blockchains and Databases

A new era is emerging in the world of distributed computing with the growing popularity of blockchains (shared, replicated and distributed ledgers) and the associated databases as a way of integrating inter-organizational work. Originally, the concept of a distributed ledger was invented as the underlying technology of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

IBM Claims Big Breakthrough in Deep Learning

A Fortune article by Barb Darrow. Few interesting highlights: IBM used 64 of its own Power 8...

DB2 Backup Tuning

One of my colleague Mukesh V Desai did backup tuning for a pureScale customer and just by making...

DB2 pureScale Utility Scripts

Most of the utility scripts here are given for Linux using bash shell. You can use them after...

Data Server Manager 2.1.4

DSM new release announced on June 22, 2017

DB2 11.1 BLU with DPF Monitoring scripts

I just wrapped a very large PoC for BLU with DPF with very high ingestion rate (110K messages per...

db2haicu disable / enable and scripting

It is recommended that you always update RSCT / TSA from db2 software media and not from IBM Fix...

DB2 pureScale – No Product License found

In db2diag, you may see this message - No product license found. Sample output:...

DB2 pureScale instance creation hangs after GPFS

Hang Issue due to SMAP While creating DB2 pureScale instance, it appears that the node becomes...

DB2 pureScale Health Check

More and more customers are now asking for some way to check the health of the DB2 pureScale...

Core DB2

When my manager interviewed me in June 2004, I proclaimed that I was an expert in DB2. After many years working in IBM, I am still learning. It is a joy working in IBM with many talents. I learn new IBM’s technology and then demonstrate them to our customers.

High Availability

I help many customers to fine tune and monitor High Availability & Disaster Recovery (HADR). I also help them implement Tivoli System Automation with HADR for the automation of failover. This is one of my favorite topic.

DB2 pureScale

When DB2 pureScale feature arrived in 2008, I have been working since then on this technology. I have built pureScale systems from ground up and did several Proof of Concepts and numerous pureScale presentations to our customers. This technology fascinates me.


BLU for DPF – do columnar databases in a shared nothing architecture. This is the topic on which I am very passionate and I share this knowledge with customers through Proof of Concepts, Proof of Technology, demo etc.