After specifying entries in db2dsdriver.cfg, the db2cli validate -dsn >dbname> does not show that the client actually read db2dsdriver.cfg file.

For example:

A sample db2dsdriver.cfg file:

db2psc@node01:~/pot_purescale/04application> db2cli validate -dsn psdb
Client information for the current copy:
Client Package Type       : IBM DB2 Connect Server
Client Version (level/bit): DB2 v10.5.0.1 (s130816/64-bit)
Client Platform           : Linux/X8664
Install/Instance Path     : /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5
DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_PATH value: /home/db2psc/sqllib/cfg
db2dsdriver.cfg Path      : /home/db2psc/sqllib/cfg/db2dsdriver.cfg
DB2CLIINIPATH value       : <not-set>
db2cli.ini Path           : /home/db2psc/sqllib/cfg/db2cli.ini
db2diag.log Path          : /home/db2psc/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log
db2dsdriver.cfg schema validation for the entire file:
Success: The schema validation completed successfully without any errors.
db2cli.ini validation for data source name "psdb":
Note: The validation utility could not find the configuration file db2cli.ini.
The file is searched at "/home/db2psc/sqllib/cfg/db2cli.ini".
db2dsdriver.cfg validation for data source name "psdb":

[ Parameters used for the connection ]

Keywords                            Valid For     Value

The validation is completed.

There are no keyword list in the above output which shows that the validation did not read db2dsdriver.cfg file. This is a known issue lised in APAR 89023.

The solution is to copy the db2dsdriver.xsd file to the ~/sqllib/cfg or create a soft link.