These note are valid only on AIX. Please note the following:

  1. There are two types of updates – System update (applying eFixes or Service Packs on AIX).
  2. If you are applying the system packs or efixes on a pureScale host, please call the DBAs and work in coordination so that you do not run the risk of breaking the pureScale.
    • Do not update GPFS or apply fixpack to GPFS at the OS level – Please no exception.
    • You can update other OS level or RSCT or apply fixes but you have to first put the host into maintenance by running the following commands. Please do not use your OS skills to put the host into maintenance no matter how seasoned OS expert you are. Use db2cluster command.
    • # db2cluster -cm -enter -maintenance
    • # db2cluster -cfs -enter -maintenance
    • Complete your OS update.
    • Bring the node out of maintenance
    • # db2cluster -cfs -exit -maintenance
    • # db2cluster -cfs -cm -maintenance
  3. If DB2 fix packs are applied online, please follow the steps given in Knowledge Center with the following exception for TSA upgrade.
    • If you are applying update to a CF node, switch the role first. For example: If 128 is primary, do db2stop 128;dbn2start 128. This will switch the role of primary CF to 129.
    • $ db2stop <member or CF>
    • $ db2stop instance on <host>
    • Check db2instance -list if this was correct and the host taken for maintenance shows STOPPED and INSTANCE_STOPPED should be YES for the host.
    • # db2cluster -cm -enter -maintenance
    • Update TSA first (without breaking existing RSCT)
    • Switch to DB2 fixpack binaries and update TSA
    • # ./server_t/db2/aix/tsamp/installSAM --noliccheck --noaixrsct
    • Pay attention to noaixrsct –> this will use existing RSCT from AIX.
    • # db2cluster -cm -exit -maintenance
    • From another member, run db2instance -list and db2start instance on <host>
    • $ db2start <member or CF>
    • Run lssrc -ls IBM.RecoveryRM and check IVN / AVN –> Installed or active version.

When you apply db2 fix packs, it does the following on AIX.

  1. It will never install RSCT since it is part of the AIX OS.
  2. But it may update RSCT if the installed version is lower than the version what the DB2 fix pack requires. But, this can be sometime not very helpful or may lead to issues or problems. So, it is best to update the OS first before applying the DB2 fix pack.
  3. Never update GPFS from OS (even for user managed GPFS) as you do not know the dependency required for that DB2 fix pack. Please leave the GPFS update to the DB2 fix pack process as it will update the GPFS automatically.

Steps for updating TSA on members before doing installFixPack

Update TSA on members (Say m01, m02 and m03)

  1. Verify if TSA is good.
  2. $ samversion; lsrpdomain; lsrpnode; lssam; lssam -V; lssrc -ls RecoveryRM --> Verify IVN and AVN
  3. Verify if DB2 is OK
  4. $ db2instance -list
  5. Start with last member first and then do member 0 last.
  6. $ db2stop 2 quiesce 5 –> Wait for 5 min and then stop. Do not accept new work after the command.
  7. $ db2instance -list
  8. $ db2stop instance on <host> –> INSTANCE_STOPPED should be YES for the member
  9. Now, as root
  10. From your current db2 software directory (find out using db2ls command if you do not know)
  11. # ./bin/db2cluster -cm -enter -maintenance
  12. Install TSA from the new DB2 fix pack extract directory — Not the current installed version or fixpack)
  13. # ./server_t/db2/aix/tsamp/installSAM --noliccheck --niaixrsct
  14. Go to current db2 software install directory –> Not the new fix pack binaries
  15. # ./bin/db2cluster -cm -exit -maintenance
  16. As instance user
  17. $ db2start instance on <host>
  18. $ db2start <member id>
  19. As root, check
  20. # lsrpdomain; lsrpnode; lssam -V; lssrc -ls IBM.RecoveryRM –> verify IVN and AVN and they will be different.) Even though you updated TSA, it is still using old version.
  21. Complete the process on all remaining members

Update TSA on CFs (Say c01 and c02)

  1. Verify if TSA is good.
  2. From another db2 member host (not CF)
  3. $ samversion; lsrpdomain; lsrpnode; lssam; lssam -V; lssrc -ls RecoveryRM –> Verify IVN and AVN
  4. Verify if DB2 is OK
  5. $ db2instance -list
  6. Find out if CF host being updated is PRIMARY or in PEER mode. If CF 128 is in PRIMARY mode, run db2stop 128;db2start 128 –> This will make CF STANDBY and wait for it become in PEER mode. It may take up to 15 min to switch to PEER mode.
  7. $ db2stop instance on <cfhost>
  8. As root
  9. # ./bin/db2cluster -cm -enter -maintenance
  10. Install TSA from the new fixpack db2 binary set (Not the current binaries), that will be compatible with the db2 fixpack to be installed.
  11. # ./server_t/db2/aix/tsamp/installSAM --noliccheck --niaixrsct
  12. # ./bin/db2cluster -cm -exit -maintenance
  13. From another member (Not CF)
  14. $ db2start instance on <cfhost>
  15. $ db2instance -list
  16. $ db2start <128 or 129>
  17. $ db2instance -list –> To make sure that it started.
  18. As Root check,
  19. # lsrpdomain; lsrpnode; lssam -V; lssrc -ls IBM.RecoveryRM –> verify IVN and AVN and they will be different.)


Now, you have updated TSA –> (remember that you have to update RSCT as part of the AIX update first)

Since IVN and AVN will be different, do not attempt to use AIX commands to fix it.

Go through the process of installFixPack as per Knowledge Center, which will update DB2 software and GPFS (Leave TSA and RSCT alone) and then use the commit process to commit the software.

For example:

cd server_t –> Of your new DB2 fix pack
./installFixPack -p /opt/db2/V10.5.7 -I db2psc -online -l /tmp/db2.log -t /tmp/db2.trc
–Run check commit from LPARs from m01, m02, m03, c01 and c02
cd server_t
./installFixPack -check_commit -I db2psc
–Commit from IIH
./installFixPack -commit_level -I db2psc -l /tmp/db2.log -t /tmp/db2.trc

Now, you check from the output of lssrc -ls IBM.RecoveryRM | grep -i ivn and check that your active and installed versions are same.