If you try to add a member to a running cluster, you may get the following db2start error.

ERROR: The "db2start add MEMBER 2 hostname node04.purescale.ibm.local 
netname node04.purescale.ibm.local port 0 -iupdt"
command failed with the return code: "55", and following error: "05/31/2016 15:40:18 2 0 
SQL1487W The database partition server, 
DB2 member, or CF was added successfully.
SQL1677N DB2START or DB2STOP processing failed due to a DB2 cluster services error.". 
Rollback of instance "db2psc" succeeded on hosts "node04"

Or, when you start db2 using db2start and if you get db2start failed due to cluster services error, the likely cause of this error is either the invalid TSAMP license or license has not been picked up the RSCT daemon.

On, all nodes, make sure that you apply the TSAMP license properly and then restart the IBM.ConfigRM daemon.

# samlicm -i sam32.lic or sam41.lic
# samlicm -s
# samlicm -t; echo $?

If the return code is not zero, then it is not a valid license.

Make sure that you either reboot the machine after applying the license or relaunch the IBM.ConfigRMd daemon.

PID=`ps -ef | grep IBM.RecoveryRM | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
if [ "$PID" != "" ] ; then 
    echo Killing $PID
   kill $PID;
   echo PID not found