Mark Mulligan – ( DB2 DBA

16 November 2008


If you have application jobs or users that run the DB2 load utility and would like to keep track of this information over time there is valuable information stored in the DB2 diagnostic log file that can help you accomplish this. Detail information about each table load and index build is recorded in the DB2 diagnostic log file.

This article describes the table load and index build information available and a script that will extract this information and insert it into a table that will help you monitor table load and index build performance over time. This script also extracts DB2 memory management message information (STMM) and imports that into another table.

Pros and cons

The advantage of having table load and index build information over time is that it can help you monitor and manage performance and answer questions about the performance of loads run by applications and users. If you use the DB2 automatic memory manager (STMM) then you will have information showing how this behaves over time as well.

One disadvantage of this approach is that the script relies on the current availability and format of information from the DB2 diagnostic log file and if IBM changes the format or content of this file in a future release, as has been done in the past, then this script will have to be modified or may become completely obsolete if the information is no longer available.


The DB2 diagnostic log file named db2diag.log for a DB2 instance contains messages with information about table loads and index builds that are run against a database. Listed below are examples of the start and completion of a table load and the start and completion of the index build phase of the load. The script I developed will capture the server, instance, database, authid, table load or index build type, starting timestamp, completed timestamp and table name involved with the load. It will also capture information about what the DB2 automatic memory manager is doing during the day if you use that feature.

Having this table load and index build information available in a table named OPERATIONS.DB2DIAG_LOAD_INFORMATION, will allow you to see all of the table loads and index builds that run during a day. You will also be able to compare the performance of loads into tables from one day to the next. Having automatic memory management information available in a table named OPERATIONS.DB2DIAG_STMM_INFORMATION will give you insight into what the automatic memory manager is doing in your environments as well.

One example of how I use the table load and index build information is to help me identify scheduling problems that result in poor performance for other users or jobs. If a load job is running, other applications might wait to select information from the table and eventually time out and roll back. Being able to tell application teams and users that some other application or user was running a load at the time can help them understand the importance of proper scheduling and coordination of work activities.

When a load runs longer than normal and about the same number of rows are involved with the load, this information may show that the index build phase of the load ran longer. If loads are usually run with the incremental index build option, there are times when the database will override this and do a complete index rebuild and the longer index build times may indicate this.

The great thing about having this information available in a table is that you can provide physical evidence about what happened when and not just have to ask other people to take your word for it. If you make this table information available in an online dash board for application support people, users and management, then they can see for themselves what is going on and trend graphs can be developed using this information to show how loads are performing over time.

2008-11-20- I13347A492         LEVEL: Warning
PID     : 4976964              TID  : 1           PROC : db2lfrm0 0
INSTANCE: edwp02               NODE : 000
APPHDL  : 0-718                APPID:
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqlulPrintPhaseMsg, probe:311
DATA #1 : String, 131 bytes
LOADID: 6336514.2008-11-20- (35;4)
Starting LOAD phase at 11/20/2008 00:19:46.427305. Table MDDB    .TRNCTN_ALRT

2008-11-20- I14733A465         LEVEL: Warning
PID     : 106784               TID  : 1           PROC : db2lrid 0
INSTANCE: edwp02               NODE : 000
APPHDL  : 0-718                APPID:
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqlulPrintPhaseMsg, probe:311
DATA #1 : String, 105 bytes
LOADID: 6336514.2008-11-20- (35;4)
Completed LOAD phase at 11/20/2008 00:19:46.517440.

2008-11-20- I15199A465         LEVEL: Warning
PID     : 106784               TID  : 1           PROC : db2lrid 0
INSTANCE: edwp02               NODE : 000
APPHDL  : 0-718                APPID:
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqlulPrintPhaseMsg, probe:311
DATA #1 : String, 105 bytes
LOADID: 6336514.2008-11-20- (35;4)
Starting BUILD phase at 11/20/2008 00:19:46.522519.

2008-11-20- I15665A466         LEVEL: Warning
PID     : 106784               TID  : 1           PROC : db2lrid 0
INSTANCE: edwp02               NODE : 000
APPHDL  : 0-718                APPID:
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqlulPrintPhaseMsg, probe:311
DATA #1 : String, 106 bytes
LOADID: 6336514.2008-11-20- (35;4)
Completed BUILD phase at 11/20/2008 00:19:46.940636.


The script in this article was tested on a server running the AIX operating system and DB2 versions 9.1 and 9.5. The KORN shell script should work on any server that has a UNIX-like operating system that supports these types of scripts. (Linux and Linux/390 come to mind.) This script is designed to run in a native UNIX environment and is not intended to run under the DB2 Script Center Client Window. This script may be run under any id that has access to a DB2 environment via the db2profile and that has the authority to run the db2 get dbm cfg command. This command is used to determine the default location of the db2diag.log file. The script requires that a DB2 instance id and database name be passed to it and has other parameters you may use to have it run against old copies of db2diag.log files if you move these off to another path daily like I do.

Before you get started, a couple of words of caution:

Practice running the script and verify the results.

Create the table before running the script. The DDL for this is provided below.

Create tablespaces for the table and it’s index.

Make sure the id you use to run the script has privileges to run the db2 get dbm cfg command and to be able to connect to the database and to insert and update rows in the OPERATIONS.DB2DIAG_LOAD_INFORMATION table and to import rows into the OPERATIONS.DB2DIAG_STMM_INFORMATION table.

Schedule this script to run in cron or some other scheduling system daily under a DB2 instance id and you will have a history of the table load and index build information for you to use over time.

WARNING: If you keep your db2diag.log file and never move it to another path and append a date timestamp to it then this script will run longer and longer every day and try to insert and update rows it processed the day before. I have a script that moves our db2diag.log files to a /dbawork/instance/db2dump path daily that renames the file to db2diag_CCYYMMDD*.log where CCYYMMDD* is a date timestamp. This script is designed to allow you to pass this path as the third parameter. If you just pass the path then it will process all db2diag*.log files. If you pass it the db2diag_CCYYMMDD*.log at the end of the path as shown in the crontab example below then the script will only process yesterday’s db2diag.log file.

NOTE: If you run the script without the third parameter, then the script will run db2 get dbm cfg to determine the location of the current db2diag.log file and then process that file.

WARNING: If IBM changes the format of the DB2 diagnostic log messages this script may need to be re-written or may become completely obsolete if the information is no longer available in the db2diag.log file.

CRONTAB schedule example

00 01 * * * /db2util/scripts/db2diag_extract_information.ksh edwp02 edwp02 
     /dbawork/edwp02/db2dump db2diag_CCYYMMDD*.log >/dev/null 2>&1

The script

#  Program          : db2diag_extract_information.ksh
#  Description      : This script extracts information from db2diag
#                   : log files.
#  Author           : Mark Mulligan
#  Date             : 06/10/2008


if [ "$1" = "" ]
then    echo ""
        echo "Parm 1 Instance                     (required)"
        echo "Parm 2 Database                     (required)"
        echo "Parm 3 DB2 Diagnostic Log Path      (optional) Defaults to DIAGPATH"
        echo '                                               May be a path where you put your db2diag_CCYYMMDDHHMMSS.log files'
        echo '                                               For example, "/dbawork/edwp02/db2dump"'
        echo "Parm 4 DB2 Diagnostic Log File      (optional) Defaults to db2diag*.log"
        echo '                                               May be db2diag_CCYYMMDD*.log'
        echo "Parm 5 Script Output Directory Path (optional) Defaults to /dbawork/reports"
        echo ""
        return 8
else    Instance=`echo $1 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`

if [ "$2" = "" ]
then    echo ""
        echo "Parm 2 Database                     (required)"
        echo "Parm 3 DB2 Diagnostic Log Path      (optional) Defaults to DIAGPATH"
        echo '                                               May be a path where you put your db2diag_CCYYMMDDHHMMSS.log files'
        echo '                                               For example, "/dbawork/edwp02/db2dump"'
        echo "Parm 4 DB2 Diagnostic Log File      (optional) Defaults to db2diag*.log"
        echo '                                               May be db2diag_CCYYMMDD*.log'
        echo "Parm 5 Script Output Directory Path (optional) Defaults to /dbawork/reports"
        echo ""
        return 8
else    Database=`echo $2 | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`

if [ "$3" = "" ]
then    db2 get dbm cfg | grep DIAGPATH | read diagnostic data directory path diagpath equals DiagPath
else    Path=${3}

if [ "$4" = "" ]
then    File="db2diag*.log"
else    if [ "$4" = "db2diag_CCYYMMDD*.log" ]
        then    CCYYMMDD="`date +%Y%m%d`"
        else    File=${4}

if [ "$5" = "" ]
then    OutputDir="/dbawork/reports"
else    OutputDir="${5}"

. $HOME/sqllib/db2profile
Datetime="`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`"

echo "$ScriptName Vers: $ScriptVer started on " `uname -n` on `date` | tee $OutputFile

echo "" | tee $OutputFile
echo "ls ${Path}/${File}" | tee -a $OutputFile
ls ${Path}/${File} > $
echo "" | tee $OutputFile
cat $ | tee -a $OutputFile

cat $ | while read filename
        echo "Processing db2diag information in $filename" | tee -a $OutputFile

        cat $filename | while read a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

#               2008-06-19- I1503054A494       LEVEL: Warning

                if [ "$c" = "LEVEL:" ]
                then    echo ${a} | sed 's/-/ /g' | read ccyy mo dd time extra
#                       echo $db2diagTimestamp

#               PID     : 6807552              TID  : 1           PROC : db2lfrm0 0

                if [ "$a" = "PID" ]
                then    PID=$c

#               INSTANCE: edwp02               NODE : 000

                if [ "$a" = "INSTANCE:" ]
                then    INSTANCE=$b

#               APPHDL  : 0-1738               APPID:

                if [ "$a" = "APPHDL" ]
                then    APPHDL=$c

#               AUTHID  : EDWP02

                if [ "$a" = "AUTHID" ]
                then    AUTHID=$c

#               LOADID: 3264648.2008-08-12- (5;15)

                if [ "$a" = "LOADID:" ]
                then    LOADID=$b

#               Starting LOAD phase at 06/19/2008 06:27:58.562570. Table MDDB    .PIF_RPRT_DY_SM

                if [[ "$a" = "Starting" && "$b" = "LOAD" ]]
                then    Type=$b
                        echo $TableName | sed 's/\./ /g' | read TabSchema TabName
#                       echo "$TabSchema"
#                       echo "$TabName"
                        db2 -x "insert into operations.db2diag_load_information values \
                               timestamp('${StartingLOADTimestamp}'), \
                               timestamp('${StartingLOADTimestamp}'), \
                               '${TableName}','${TabSchema}','${TabName}')" > /dev/null 2>&1

                if [[ "$a" = "Completed" && "$b" = "LOAD" ]]
                then    Type=$b
                        db2 -x "update operations.db2diag_load_information set completed_timestamp = \
                            timestamp('${CompletedLOADTimestamp}') where loadid = '${LOADID}' \
                            and type = '${Type}' and node = ${NODE}" > /dev/null 2>&1

#               Starting BUILD phase at 06/19/2008 06:28:02.441206.

                if [[ "$a" = "Starting" && "$b" = "BUILD" ]]
                then    Type=$b
                        db2 -x "select tablename,tabschema,tabname from operations.db2diag_load_information \
                            where loadid = '${LOADID}' and type = 'LOAD' and node = ${NODE}" | \
                            read TableName TabSchema TabName
                        db2 -x "insert into operations.db2diag_load_information values \
                            '${TableName}','${TabSchema}','${TabName}')"  > /dev/null 2>&1

#               Completed BUILD phase at 06/19/2008 06:28:05.446418.

                if [[ "$a" = "Completed" && "$b" = "BUILD" ]]
                then    Type=$b
                        db2 -x "update operations.db2diag_load_information set completed_timestamp = \
                            timestamp('${CompletedBUILDTimestamp}') where loadid = '${LOADID}' \
                            and type = '${Type}' and node = ${NODE}" > /dev/null 2>&1

#               CHANGE  : STMM CFG DB EDWP02: "Pckcachesz" From: "4696"   To: "4664" 

                if [[ "$a" = "CHANGE" && "$c" = "STMM" ]]
                then    CHANGESTMMTimestamp=$db2diagTimestamp
                        DATABASE=`echo $f | sed 's/://g'`
                        Type=`echo $g | sed 's/"//g'`
                        From=`echo $i | sed 's/"//g'`
                        To=`echo $l | sed 's/"//g'`
                        echo '"'$CHANGESTMMTimestamp'","'$Server'","'$Instance'","'$DATABASE'",'$NODE', \
                             '$From >> $FileName.stmm
                        echo '"'$CHANGESTMMTimestamp'","'$Server'","'$Instance'","'$DATABASE'",'$NODE', \
                             '$To >> $FileName.stmm


db2 -v connect to $Database | tee -a $OutputFile
db2 -v "import from $FileName.stmm of del messages $FileName.stmm.msg \
     NP.insert_update into OPERATIONS.DB2DIAG_STMM_INFORMATION" | tee -a $OutputFile

echo "$ScriptName Vers: $ScriptVer ended   on " `uname -n` on `date` | tee -a $OutputFile

echo "Output located in" | tee -a $OutputFile
ls $FileName*

The Tables


                  "LOADID" CHAR(40) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT ' ' ,
                  "TYPE" CHAR(5) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT ' ' ,
                  "SERVER" CHAR(8) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT ' ' ,
                  "INSTANCE" CHAR(8) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT ' ' ,
                  "DATABASE" CHAR(8) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT ' ' ,
                  "AUTHID" CHAR(8) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT ' ' ,
                  "PID" BIGINT NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT 0 ,
                  "APPHDL" CHAR(8) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT ' ' ,
                  "APPID" CHAR(31) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT ' ' ,
                  "TABLENAME" VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT '' ,
                  "TABSCHEMA" VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT '' ,
                  "TABNAME" VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT '' )
                 DISTRIBUTE BY HASH("LOADID")

-- DDL Statements for primary key on Table "OPERATIONS"."DB2DIAG_LOAD_INFORMATION"



                  "SERVER" CHAR(8) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT  ,
                  "INSTANCE" CHAR(8) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT  ,
                  "DATABASE" CHAR(8) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT  ,
                  "AUTHID" CHAR(8) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT  ,
                  "PID" BIGINT NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT  ,
                  "APPHDL" CHAR(8) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT  ,
                  "APPID" CHAR(31) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT  ,
                  "TYPE" CHAR(40) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT  ,
                  "FROM_OR_TO" CHAR(4) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT  ,

-- DDL Statements for primary key on Table "OPERATIONS"."DB2DIAG_STMM_INFORMATION"



If you run the script in foreground without passing it any parameters, it will echo display the parameters that the script uses. The first two parameters for the script are required so that the common reusable DBA script will know what DB2 instance and database to use. The third parameter is optional. You may pass any path that indicates the location of the DB2 diagnostic log files the script should read or the script will default to the DIAGPATH value by running the db2 get dbm cfg command to obtain this. The fourth parameter is optional and defaults to the db2diag.log file name. If you move your db2diag.log file to another path daily and rename it to db2diag_CCYYMMDDHHMMSS.log where CCYYMMDDHHMMSS is a date timestamp like I do then you may pass this value as the parameter and the script will only run against yesterday’s diagnostic log file. Otherwise, it will run against all db2diag*.log files in the path.

Moving your db2diag.log files to another path daily and renaming it to have a date timestamp in the name will help this script only process new information. This db2diag.log save technique can also help you keep your db2diag.log file to a manageable size daily and when you have to open a PMR with IBM and run db2support to send the db2diag.log file and other information, the files you have to send IBM will be smaller and easier for them to analyze. You can keep your DB2 diagnostic log file history or remove these files over time to prevent file systems from filling up.


Parm 1 Instance                     (required)
Parm 2 Database                     (required)
Parm 3 DB2 Diagnostic Log Path      (optional) Defaults to DIAGPATH
                                               May be a path where you put your db2diag_CCYYMMDDHHMMSS.log files
                                               For example, "/dbawork/edwp02/db2dump"
Parm 4 DB2 Diagnostic Log File      (optional) Defaults to db2diag*.log
                                               May be db2diag_CCYYMMDD*.log
Parm 5 Script Output Directory Path (optional) Defaults to /dbawork/reports

When you run the script in foreground and pass it a DB2 instance id and database, you should see output displayed that is similar to the example shown below.

db2diag_extract_information.ksh edwp02 edwp02
db2diag_extract_information Vers: 06/10/2008 started on  edwasp on Thu Nov 20 09:45:12 EST 2008

ls /db2home/edwp02/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag*.log

Processing db2diag information in /db2home/edwp02/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log
connect to EDWP02

   Database Connection Information

 Database server        = DB2/AIX64 9.1.4
 SQL authorization ID   = U0H005
 Local database alias   = EDWP02

import from /dbawork/reports/db2diag_extract_information_edwasp_edwp02_EDWP02_20081120094512.stmm 
of del messages /dbawork/reports/db2diag_extract_information_edwasp_edwp02_EDWP02_20081120094512.stmm.msg 

Number of rows read         = 1386
Number of rows skipped      = 0
Number of rows inserted     = 1386
Number of rows updated      = 0
Number of rows rejected     = 0
Number of rows committed    = 1386

db2diag_extract_information Vers: 06/10/2008 ended   on  edwasp on Thu Nov 20 09:48:25 EST 2008
Output located in

Select Example

The output created by this script is stored in DB2 tables. You may develop SQL or a script that runs different types of SQL that will help you use this information to help you track table load and index build performance over time. This information can also be used to help identify what is running when and this may help you identify contention between different applications and users. You can also use this information to determine when DB2 is allowing a table load to incrementally add information to indexes and when it has switched over to completely rebuild indexes during a load. Here is one example of SQL that lists load information from yesterday.

select a.server,a.instance,a.database,a.node,a.authid,a.loadid,a.type,a.starting_timestamp,
a.completed_timestamp,char(a.tablename,40) as tablename,char(b.tbspace,20) as tablespace 
from operations.db2diag_load_information a,syscat.tables b 
where a.authid like '%%' 
and a.tabschema=b.tabschema 
and a.tabname=b.tabname 
and ( date(a.starting_timestamp)= current date - 1 day or 
      date(a.completed_timestamp)= current date - 1 day or 
      current date -1 day between date(a.starting_timestamp) 
      and date(a.completed_timestamp) 
order by a.starting_timestamp

SERVER   INSTANCE DATABASE NODE   AUTHID   LOADID                                   TYPE  STARTING_TIMESTAMP         COMPLETED_TIMESTAMP        TABLENAME                                TABLESPACE
-------- -------- -------- ------ -------- ---------------------------------------- ----- -------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        3 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        9 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        1 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        6 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        4 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02       10 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        7 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        2 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        5 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        8 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        1 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        2 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        7 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        5 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        6 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        4 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02       10 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        9 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        3 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        8 PP03A8DL 6090858.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_VIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        1 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02       10 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        6 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        4 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        7 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        3 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        9 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        2 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        5 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        8 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        7 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        8 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        3 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        4 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        6 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        9 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02       10 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        5 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        1 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        2 PP03A8DL 4923404.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- PLCY_RPT.RV_CIF_SM                       TSPCY70
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        0 PP0342DL 5718288.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- MDDB.TRNCTN_ALRT                         TSALR01
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        0 PP0342DL 5718288.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- MDDB.TRNCTN_ALRT                         TSALR01
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        0 PP0342DL 2039862.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- MDDB.PRCS_ALRT                           TSALR01
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        0 PP0342DL 2039862.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- MDDB.PRCS_ALRT                           TSALR01
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        0 PP0341DL 4551084.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- MDDB.TRNCTN_ALRT                         TSALR01
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        0 PP0341DL 4551084.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- MDDB.TRNCTN_ALRT                         TSALR01
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        0 PP0341DL 6910400.2008-11-19-     LOAD  2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- MDDB.PRCS_ALRT                           TSALR01
edwasp   edwp02   EDWP02        0 PP0341DL 6910400.2008-11-19-     BUILD 2008-11-19- 2008-11-19- MDDB.PRCS_ALRT                           TSALR01

You may want to develop SQL select statements to run against the OPERATIONS.DB2DIAG_STMM_INFORMATION table to gain insight into what DB2 automatic memory management is doing as well.


If you do not have sophisticated database monitoring software that captures information about DB2 table loads and index builds, you can capture this yourself from the DB2 diagnostic log files by using this script. This valuable source of information can be used by a DBA as evidence to show when table loads and index builds have run and how long they take to process. If the load step is just one part of a job then you will know how much time the database is spending on the load and how much time the job is spending doing other things. If you develop a dash board for application teams, users and management that gives them visibility into this information then they can monitor load history and performance over time and gain a better understanding about what is running and when.

If you have any questions related to this article, feel free to contact me, Mark Mulligan, at and I will be glad to try to answer your questions.

About the author

Mark Mulligan is a DBA living in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from Merrimack College in North Andover, Massachusetts, and 30 years of experience working with computer software design, development, maintenance, enhancement and support. He has 10 years of experience working with DB2 on servers running UNIX-like operating systems and 15 years of experience working with DB2 on Z/OS. Mark can be contacted at