Sample routine db2perf_browse - browse a table in columname/value pairs C:> db2 select * from t C1 C2 C3 ----------- ----------- ---------- 1 2 abc 3 4 def 2 record(s) selected. C:>db2 call db2perf_browse('t') Result set 1 -------------- COL VALUE -------------------- ---------------------------------------- C1 1 C2 2 C3 abc -------------------- ---------------------------------------- C1 3 C2 4 C3 def -------------------- ---------------------------------------- 8 record(s) selected. Return Status = 0 Preparation Connect to the desired database db2 connect to Create stored procedures db2 -td@ -f db2perf_browse.db2 Usage Connect to the desired database db2 connect to Call stored procedure to see table contents displayed row-by-row, column-by-column db2 call db2perf_browse( [ , [, ]] ) : name of a table or table function to browse, e.g. 'mon_get_bufferpool(null,-2)' 'mon_get_table(''SYSIBM'',''SYSTABLES'')' 'sysibmadm.mon_db_summary' : restrict the rows from which are browsed, e.g. 'where bp_name not like ''IBMSYS%''' in call db2perf_browse( 'mon_get_bufferpool(null,-2)', 'where bp_name not like ''IBMSYS%''' ) : create a view to keep the resulting browsing SELECT, e.g. 'mgbp_browse' in call db2perf_browse( 'mon_get_bufferpool(null,-2)', 'where bp_name not like ''IBMSYS%''', 'mgbp_browse' ) select * from mgbp_browse Notes: - the stored procedure, and view-name if specified, are created in the default schema - in the current version, only the first 1000 rows are returned from the stored procedures - creating view-name can be helpful if it's a query you'd do often (and also returns the entire result set, not just the first 1000 rows.